Understanding Window & Door Hurricane Product Approvals: IS IT WATER RATED?

The devil is in the details! Hurricane approved PIVOT doors may not have ANY rating to keep water out and require a 45 degree overhang which may be impractical if your roof line is at the 2nd floor 24+ feet high, it would need to project 24 feet out.

Wind driven rain events are a challenge for manufacturers to design door sills for, not just in hurricanes but in 40-50 mph wind driven rain in any rainy season thunderstorm. With hinged and sliding doors they have a riser, sometimes 3" tall but pivot doors have to be as flat as possible.

Some manufacturers are developing drainage systems and may meet water ratings outside of the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) but not in the HVHZ. These drainage systems need to be closely coordinated by the GC with the flooring and plumbing subcontractors as the door supplier isn't going to connect to drainage lines and the channels need to be set with the flooring.


Do you want the BIGGEST sliding door openings?


Hurricane approved 1 inch sightlines?